2. Work with a partner. (Hãy làm việc với bạn em.) a) Look at the table. Talk about our friends’ hob

Câu 2. Work with a partner. (Hãy làm việc với bạn em.)

a)  Look at the table. Talk about our friends’ hobbies. (Em hãy nhìn bảng sau và nói về sở thích của bạn em.)

A: Ba loves playins soccer, but he doesn't like washing up

B: Lan doesn’t like playing soccer and she doesn't like washing up. either.

Trả lời:

A: Ba loves playing soccer, but he doesn't like washing up.

B: Lan doesn't like playing soccer and she doesn’t like washing up. either.

A: Ba hates cooking meals, but he likes performing music.

B: Lan likes cooking meals and she likes performing music.

A: Ba doesn't like gardening and Lan doesn't, either.

B: Ba likes gathering broken glasses and Lan does. too.

A: Ba likes watching TV and he loves camping, too.

B: Lan loves watching TV and she likes camping, too.

A: Ba hates playing badminton, but he likes doing homework.

B: Lan doesn't like playing badminton and she hates doing homework.

b. Copy the table into your exercise book. Then complete it with information about you. Next ask and answer questions with your partner. (Hãy sao bảng trên vào vở tập của em rồi hoàn thành nó bằng những thông tin về bản thân em, sau đó hỏi và trả lời hỏi với bạn em.)

Trả lời:

1. A: Do you like playing soccer?

B: No. I hate it. What about you?

A: Yes. I love playing soccer.

2. A: Do you like washing up?

B: Yes. I love it. What about you?

A: No. I hate it.

3. A: Do you like cooking meals?

B: No. I hate it. What about you?

A: Yes. I love cooking.

4. A: Do you like performing music?

B: Yes. I love it. What about you?

A: No. I hate it.

5. A; Do you like doing gardening?

B: No. I hate it. What about you?

A; Yes. I love gardenina.

6.  A: Do you like gathering broken glasses.

B: No. 1 hate it. What about you?

A: Yes. I love gathering broken glasses.