Task 3. Answer the questions: (Trả lời các câu hỏi.) 1. What are the four ways by which human beings

Task 3. Answer the questions: (Trả lời các câu hỏi.)

1. What are the four ways by which human beings are changing the world?

( Con người đang làm thay đổi thế giới theo 4 cách nào? )

2. What are the serious consequences of people's interference with the env ironment?

( Những hậu quả nghiêm trọng của sự can thiệp của con người đến môi trường là gì? )

3. What has been done to protect the environment?

( Những gì đã được thực hiện để bảo vệ môi trường? )


1. Four ways that people change the world are:

-   They are changing the environment bv building cities & villages.

-  They are affecting the water supply by using water for industry and agriculture.

-   They are changing weather conditions by cutting down trees in the forests.

-  They are destnoying the air by adding pollutants like smoke from factories and tumes.

2. The serious consequences of people's interference with the environment are:

-   Many kinds of rare animals are killed.

-  The environment where these animals are living is badly destroyed.

-  The numbers of rare animals is decreasing so rapidly that they are in danger of becoming extinct.

3. Many things have been done to protect endangered nature, such as:

-   Many organizations have been set up and money has been raised to save rare animals.

-   Thousands of national parks have been established.

-   Laws have been passed to prohibit killing endangered animals.